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October 24, 2007



Isn't it ironic? Churches desire to be "big" and "successful" and are looking for the "next big thing." I wonder if the Bible has anything to say about what the goal of the Church, the Body of Christ, should be about. Hmmmm...


Wow...I thought I was the only one....

Because I WANT to centered in Christ. I WANT the Bible to be the prizm in which I see life. I WANT to live today, each day, to glorify God as much as I can. And as much as I love church, it doesn't help me figure out where to go from want to action. And I fluctuate from centered to stalled because I feel like I'm grasping at straws and I never feel like I've got the right one.

Alex Marshall

I'm impressed that Willow Creek is willing to be so self-critical. I think that says something commendable about their leadership and desires. It should be really interesting to see what innovations come out of this research, what they come up with as the best way to encourage and engage more mature Christians. I suspect they will try and balance that with continuing to reach non-Christians and new Christians, which may be a very cool thing to watch (if they find an effective way of doing it). Will have to keep my eye on this, thanks for pointing it out, Jim.

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