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November 05, 2007


Randy Wellman

I read Light-Work everyday. It's great! Also, the recent post about John really brings it home......was at the picnic last week and several of us had a chance to talk to him after Jim had prayed and ministered with him... incredible story, but true. If anyone is in need of sound scriptual advice and encouragement, Jim's the man!


I stand amazed at God's beautiful plan and timing. John is in God's presence now.

Thank You, Lord, for allowing John to get his life straight with You before seeing You face to face.

Jessica Zada (John's Step-daughter)

On behalf of our family I would like to personally thank everyone for meeting John and sharing this story with us. Especailly Pastor Jim. John wanted to turn his life over to God and I am so glad and conforted that you all were there to share it with him. Reading the blog above it gives us great confort to know that John is in great hands now! We love him and miss him greatly! Thank you all for keeping him and us in your prayers and sharing his life changing moment with him!

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