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November 30, 2007


Alex Marshall

I guess we can call this irony, but this is the exact same kinda thinking that was just laid out by the pastor of the church I've been attending here in Birmingham (their website is http://www.brookhills.org) the week before I heard it from you (Thanksgiving weekend). This church in Birmingham is a much larger church (4000 members) and the pastor is really passionate about making disciples of all nations. He actually plaid off of the recent Willow Creek study (another bit of irony? or else you two think very much alike...) and said essentially "all the strategies we've been using (they are part of the Willow Creek Association), which are essentially incremental strategies for making disciples, need to be scrapped. The world's population is growing exponentially, we need to look for exponential strategies of growth."

The plan he has laid out is similar to what you're talking about, but instead of on an individual basis its on a "local church" basis. They want to start branching out and planting "bases" of ministry in various areas. Not only do they want to plant a base every year, but they want to equip the bases to do the same. The other aspect of this that he has emphasized is that these bases are not really "churches" in the sense of having a service on Sunday mornings, but he wants them to work more on the lines of disciple-making bases of operation that can be used to launch things like "community Bible studies" and service projects to open doors and other things that can really fuel disciple making in a local area (probably more along the lines of what you are talking about for individuals). His hope is not to just focus on Birmingham but to do everything with the goal of reaching every part of the world.

So I point this out because I think this might be an awesome opportunity for a bit of ministry partnership. You guys seem to be wanting to go very much in the same direction (and I am all for both of these ideas! Listening to you both has be pumped!!) so it might be of benefit to looking into what you can contribute to each other's thinking and doing.

Alex Marshall

Uh... there was an error in my link to the website above (my bad, it apparently included the parenthesis in the link address...). So here it is again:


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