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November 09, 2007



"Truth in action" "The pulse of pure devotion to God" "A path to true significance" WOW! What a beautiful description of a life that is attainable only by devotion to what matters to God above all else. By complete reliance on His strength and guidance alone in the process. What a privilege to be able to impart life and leave a legacy, that is priceless both to the "Titus 2 woman" and to those whom she invests time.

The challenge lies not in doing, but in being willing to sacrifice, to be teachable, to dig in and find the truth. But most importantly to APPLY it and LIVE IT OUT! But, I say, "What a small sacrifice for such an immeasurable gift! A significance that is unshakable and life that is without a doubt worth devoting myself to. A life that honors and glorifies God, a small token of my love to Him for a debt I will never repay. Thank you Lord, what an amazing God You are!"

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