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December 11, 2007



Way to go, Amp and Lesa!

Alex Marshall

Fun stuff! So Jim, were you a combatant on this adventure? If so, which team?

And did y'all light up my brother on this trip? I need something to rag on him for...

Jim Fleming

No, I wasn't a combatant. Think of me as a UN observer. Then again, NOT! By the way, glad to see you back in the comment groove - finals over?

Alex Marshall

Ha! The UN...

As for being done with finals, almost... got my big final done today and the rest of the day relaxed a bit before I finish my last two Thursday and Friday. Are y'all having another discussion group this Sunday? I get back to Memphis sometime Saturday night.


Open House without the Open Discussion. Fun night! Look forward to seeing you back home again!

Alex Marshall

So I don't know if any of you guys realized this, but it is freezing in Memphis!! I've gotten used to the nice mild climate in Birmingham and getting out of the car here was a rude awakening!

Sorry, useless information, I know. See you guys at the Flemings tomorrow night if I don't see you at church tomorrow morning!


I love airsoft! We had so much fun, Mr. Jim, I'm glad you came!

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