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January 17, 2008



You go Jim! This is an awesome article that truly shows the heart of CBC!


I recall reading a church planting manual once where it highlighted one of the most important charateristics of an effective church planter, namely the ability to know what to say "no" to. One never can outgive, or outdo, the need and it is easy to get off topic trying to.

Your posts highlights the need that different churches need to understand their role in reaching people and need to know what to say not to as it relates to reaching others.

I believe churches like CBC will flourish when it embraces its role, the DNA one might say that God has given it.

There is a danger here though which you highlight. Namely that those who attend spiritually "deeper" churches look down on those that attend more seeker churches.

I think an interesting exercise for CBC, or any church for that matter, would be to identify who it is and then look at the history of the church and ask what times did the church deviate from that identity and what were the repercussions of that deviation. that might prove a valuable excerise in how a church knows when to say yes and when to say no.

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