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January 28, 2008



so I get the feeling that my posts have have brought this on, or do I flatter myself?

btw I think Jalalabad is a fun word to say...


I know about Hacha!

Jim Fleming

Yes, I agree that Jalalabad is also fun to say. I'm not sure if it is as much fun as "Hacha," but it's close. Yes, your comments (and those of others) have suggested there might be some benefit to a little supplementary material and an opportunity for some further discussion.


oh good. at least I wasn't flattering myself. I have enough problems as it is.


At least you did not comment to your detriment.


I have a question concerning the notion it is important how closely any given work draws from Scripture.

Do people think there is a difference regarding if a piece of work directly quotes Scripture or instead simply draws from it.

For example, much of CS Lewis' work does not quote Scripture directly yet draws heavily from Scripture. Consequently is the merit of Lewis' work less because he doesn't quote Scripture compared to a resource that does, in fact, directly quote Scripture?

Jim Fleming

Good question! It is possible to quote the Bible and use that quote to deny what it teaches. So "quoting" is not the big deal here. I am advocating a direct "connection between a resource and what the Bible teaches." "What the Bible teaches" may be clearly captured in a direct quote. But it can also be clearly and fairly represented in a sermon, a book, an article, or some other form of communication. The value of an extra-biblical resource goes up the more its message captures what the Bible actually teaches. This is what we are attempting to do at Light-work - to provide an internet resource that is valuable because it seeks to take "what the Bible teaches" and illuminate how those lessons connect to life.

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