Someone loaned me a copy of The Secret. Why haven't I heard about this before? (I guess it's a secret!) This DVD has a companion book by the same title. The associated website heralds nothing less than a new era for humankind. Wow - a new era! This is SO exciting!
I won't get into a full-scale critique here, but I am struck by a poignant contrast between the message of "the secret" and a biblically informed appreciation of the power of self-loathing. Basically, "the secret," according to Rhonda Byrne's book and video is "the law of attraction," the idea that "the universe" gives you what you think about. Think negative thoughts, and the universe gives you negative stuff. But if you will ditch all that negativity and think about money and success, the universe will give you money and success. To harness the power of the "secret," dwell on the positive.
Kinda' makes me wonder about math scores in the US. When you measure the mathematical competency of American students, they are near the bottom among developed or developing nations. But when polled about how they FEEL about their math ability, these same students "feel really good" about themselves. Lots of positive thought here. So why isn't "the universe" giving them the great scores their positive self-view is attracting?
There is a dramatic contrast between The Secret and The Bible. In the Bible, there is great power in the kind of self-loathing that gasps, "Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death?" (Rom. 7:24). The Apostle Paul was a devoted student of the Law and his studies showed him a glaring contrast. He could affirm that the Law outlines a way of life that is good. But he saw in himself a persistent inability to live it out. This gap and the corresponding anguish of soul it produced was precisely what Paul needed (and we need). Teetering precariously on the edge of this chasm makes the truth crystal clear - We are beyond saving ourselves; we need to be rescued. No amount of positive thought to the contrary will change a sober reality, we need some ONE (not a universe) to help us in spite of who we are, what we do, and what we think! Praise God for Jesus who helps all such wretched men become what only He could make us - holy!
Thank you, Jim, for not caving to the world's pressure. What refreshment comes when you "refute those who contradict" and "exhort in sound doctrine." It does not seem like there are many voices crying in the wilderness to "repent." Isn't it interesting that Paul encouraged Timothy, in his time, to preach the word-- to reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction! Paul was accutely aware of the battle for truth. And now the time has come when men will not endure sound doctrine. People, in droves (including many who profess to know Christ)are swarming to have their ears tickled, and are accumulating for themselves the kind of teachers that line up with their own desires. Millions are turning aside to myths, yet claiming to want to know God. People say that they are about truth, but no one can really be about truth if they define truth by what they want to hear! If we truly want God's message, God's truth, we have to be willing to listen to God, to submit to Him. He gets to tell us, even when what He says doesn't match what we want to hear. This "Secret" group is masquerading its selfishness with spiritual hype. So, keep standing for the things that really matter!
Posted by: CF | January 15, 2008 at 02:15 PM
There are also numerous passages which point to the impotence of man's thoughts to change anything. Ultimately, Solomon, Job, Paul, David, Jonah and...-oh yea-Jesus all declare God's will the incontrevertible determinant of every outcome.
Jesus statement is a case in point: "Which of you, by worrying about it, can change even a hair upon your head?" [paraphrase]
Given this, the "power of positive thinking" to "change" anything--save one's own!!
Posted by: AC | January 15, 2008 at 11:03 PM
I'm going to play devil's advocate here for a minute. Its said in economics that monetary policy (ie. the Fed) cannot effect things in the long-run but can effect them in the short-run. In other words, its a matter of targeting- if they target a long-term change, they're ineffective, but short-term (six months to a year) they can effect, which ultimately results in a change in the long-term.
Can we make a similar assessment here- our positive thinking may not change anything if we target the world (my mood isn't going to change the weather, for instance). But, as AC said, it can change our own attitudes. So if we target our attitude, can that result in a more tangible change that ultimately does produce change in the world?
Posted by: Alex Marshall | January 16, 2008 at 09:34 AM
Is this what you are suggesting? A more positive attitude will create a better world? Check out part 2 of this series and then try this on for size: When men are disgusted by what is disgusting in God's sight and approve the things that are good in God's sight, that's when we are moving in the right direction.
Posted by: Jim Fleming | January 16, 2008 at 10:18 AM
Alex, a positive attitude can be helpful socially, but does not appear to be of any benefit spiritually. We "think" that thoughts lead to actions which become habits that reveal character which produces destiny. That sure sounds logical and seems to describe what we observe in self and others. As Proverbs 23:7 says "as he thinks within himself, so he is." However, the "he" spoken of is a "selfish man." In fact, when I searched for the keyword "think" on, every reference was negative. I'm not sure what to make of this: Don't believe everything you think?
Posted by: mrs | January 17, 2008 at 01:01 PM
Well... not suggesting it as in arguing for it, but throwing out the idea to see what people think.
That being said, definitely agree with your perspective, Jim. Looking from God's perspective would definitely be preferable to anything we might muster on our own.
To mrs- I'll agree that we can't believe everything we think, especially if our thoughts are uniformed or speculation (case and point, me in philosophy class half the time!). But lets explore the "positive attitude" thing a bit more. Now, obviously a superficial "happiness" doesn't count for much, but a genuine positive outlook on things seems like it might have some benefits. We can keep this in the context of a Christian (to avoid other issues) and say we have a genuine positive outlook on the things of God. So first, does that kind of an attitude have any merit? And then, the question I'm really trying to explore, how much is such an attitude influenced by our thinking? In other words, do we internally shape such an attitude, or is it the result of something external?
Posted by: Alex Marshall | January 17, 2008 at 03:44 PM
Alex, attitude can involve thinking, feeling, and behavior. My thinking (based on education and observation) is that there are several influences on our attitude, including genetics, hormones, events, personality, mental health, and responses from others. Obviously, genetic influences come first: people with Downs Syndrome often display a good attitude. Our attitudes often fluctuate depending on circumstances. From a personal, Christian perspective, my attitude is affected by my nearness to God. As time with Him increases, my attitude improves. I don't have to think about it, and it's not external; it's a reflection of my present relationship with Him.
Posted by: mrs | January 17, 2008 at 04:41 PM