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February 01, 2008



I think “stay at home” moms have an excellent opportunity to show their children what resistance is all about and what sharing the gospel is all about.


Sure! Mothers have such a lofty responsibility in today’s times (not so much before the Industrial Revolution though) to guide the spiritual formation of their children while in the rearing years. Mothers always have a chance to witness whether it with moms on the same sports team or the checker at the grocery or more apt to today’s culture the Starbucks clerk. Children are watching every move their mum makes. When resistance is met by an encounter, the mother has a most valuable opportunity to dialogue with her children about what happened. The child is now more equipped and aware of their surroundings in order to make a wise decision or behave in a proper manner in the future. The mother has just created her own “proverb” teaching if you will.


Awesome words about the show. I was wondering how to engage someone in conversation about it.

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