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March 26, 2008



Clarence Larkin’s book, Book of Charts, really helped me with my study of the book of Daniel. Reverend Larkin’s charts are very easy to read. He has charts on the “seventy weeks” and the “seventieth week.” My favorite is “Daniel and Revelation Compared.” This one is beautifully detailed!

Now, my presuppositions, you can have them! I’m tired of being conditioned by the world! Give me truth!


I truly applaud Larkin's opus. It reflects a lifetime of diligence in the Word. That said, the linear eschatological chronology he outlines could easily be accepted blindly by some without the personal study required to bring honesty and an "overcomer" mentality to the study. His charts are neat and tidy, but I don't find that kind of clarity surrounding certain events he outlines. I look forward to this discussion.

As the days grow more evil it will be important for Christians to walk by faith and cling to what the Bible clearly says; it might be a rude awakening for some who have relied on pat answers and speculation when they face trial, tribulation, or even martyrdom. We're going to have to build our "overcomer" muscles and be content with knowing the "what," not the "when." The "when" is "need to know" and only the Father knows.

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