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April 16, 2008



That's something I'm frustrated with too. I know I'm unorthodox, but I also think God has put me into a place to be unorthodox. And I also know that methods I may employ to reach those who don't know Jesus yet shouldn't be applied across the board. But it's when I discuss my methods, like taking in certain elements of pop culture or media to be able to understand it first hand and use it as a tool to witness, and I'm told that I shouldn't do that because of the content. That they won't hear that I'm doing it specifically to understand the content really is frustrating and it's hard for me to not think of that person as a fool, even if it is a brother or sister. I'm trying to be more patient, more gracious...it's just hard.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to hearing what the book says.


Yes, please read this for me. After years of Joseph Campbell, Bill Moyers, Shirley MacLaine, Betty Eadie, and M. Scott Peck, I am ready for someone else to let their brain explode trying to understand all the circles people draw around God, trying to see how close they can get to Him without seeing Him.


Thank you. I am not interested in spending time reading the book, but I would like to be informed when I talk with others about it.

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