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April 14, 2008



Shepherds who shep, what an awesome concept!
Men who truly are shepherding the flock, not just pointing out what is wrong with everyone like the bible gestapo.
Men who take the time and effort to get to develop a relationship with people before they pour on the critique!
Viva, shepherds who shep!


Wow! This puts church discipline into perspective. I'll bet most congregations don't know there is such a thing as church discipline. I’ll also wager that this pastor is and has executed church discipline. To up the ante, I’ll also bet he as the scars to prove it. I’ve been convicted to encourage my elders. It really is a spiritual battle all the time, “Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock.” Not only do shepherds guard themselves but an entire flock as well. How blessed are they? Only God can hold them accountable. It is so uncommon to find a pastor or minister who does what God says. I read somewhere that if we do not apply to our life what God’s word has taught us, we do not understand what God has said. Thanks for sharing what God has said about shepherds.

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