I told you yesterday that my big need is a cure for my little faith. How did I come to this conclusion? Here's a copy of some verses and notes that brought me to this point. Please print out a copy and read through these sixteen Bible passages. I have selected verses and highlighted key phrases that can help you (as they have me) to appreciate the importance of developing my faith muscles.
The current "economic crisis" is a GREAT reminder that flabby faith has got to go. The prosperity we enjoy can beguile us into a sense of security based on stuff. Enough of that stuff! God is the only one worthy of unconditional trust. And when a man has great faith in his faithful God, that's when Jesus takes notice. May God help us all to learn well from whatever financial turmoil lies ahead. May God help us all to make the transition from peewee faith to remarkable faith.
I don't know whether this is the best place to raise this issue, but I don't see how to ask a question unless it is connected to a "Recent post."
I am perplexed as to why the popular press slams Sarah Palin for her Christian faith, yet ignores the fact that Barack Obama claims to share that faith. Do they see her as an extremist and him as lax? Do they consider him a hypocrite, or just better at separating church from state? Do they see him as having "peewee" (ineffective) faith and her as exhibiting "remarkable" (powerful) faith? The silence hurts my ears.
Posted by: ms | October 03, 2008 at 05:45 PM
Great question. What do you think, L-W people? Why is Obama getting a pass when Sarah's feeling the heat?
Posted by: Jim Fleming | October 03, 2008 at 06:44 PM
Randy Alcorn called it, I think, the "conspiracy of shared values." Basically, because Obama shares the values of the media (generally), they are going to be more lenient on him than they would on someone with whom they do not share the same values, in this case Palin. And it works both ways, too. If you listen to WREC or watch Fox News, both of which are more conservatively-inclined, you hear much more criticism of Obama than you will Palin. This has more to do with general stances than it does faith, but there's merit to it.
Also, the media-at-large buys into the, "that may be what you believe, but this is what I believe, so they're of equal standing" lie. Truth doesn't matter...perception does. And since they've eliminated the idea that faith brings you to the truth, they've also eliminated faith as being a factor in that perception....unless they don't like the perception a person enacting their faith gives them, as is the case of Palin.
Woah....sorry for the last run-on.
Posted by: Jeff | October 06, 2008 at 04:29 PM