Here's a handy prescription for those who want to conquer anger. When you find yourself getting steamed, ask yourself, "Is my anger directed at the wrong guy?" Proverbs 19:3 describes a condition that can lead to anger: The foolishness of man ruins his way, and his heart rages against the Lord (Prov. 19:3). This Proverb has two phrases, the first describes a situation, the second outlines what follows.
Here's the situation. A man has made a foolish choice with serious consequences. It could have been an unwise business decision, an inappropriate relationship, a knee-jerk response, or a course involving moral compromise. Whatever he did, it was fueled by foolishness and, not surprisingly, has turned out badly. The second phrase describes the result and it is ironic. Instead of admitting, "I did something foolish," he gets mad at God. What's God got to do with it? God doesn't resort to "bailouts" for foolishness. As a good parent, He allows us to experience the consequences of our poor choices. God is not responsible for the ruin a man reaps when he sows foolishness.
So when you feel yourself getting angry, do a quick diagnostic. Try to identify ways in which the outcome that is prompting you to anger is the result of your own actions. Make a list of ways you could have done things differently to reap a different outcome. If you come up with just one item on your list, then you're getting mad at the wrong person. Go look in a mirror and counsel the person you see to use all that energy to make some changes. Repeat as necessary.