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November 12, 2008



Some men and women will never submit to Jesus, no matter how clear their understanding of His gospel. But I think there are many who would choose to serve Christ if they really understood what that meant.

When Jesus said of the fruit of the Spirit, "against such things there is no law," I think he was saying more than merely that such attributes were good in the sight of God. He seems also to have been saying that they are good in the sight of Man, as well. In other words, even fallen man can appreciate the virtue of the fruit of the Spirit-provided his perception of it is not undermined or perverted.

How many people do you think inwardly burn for significance, or with regret, with feeling unfulfilled, with listless, down-trodden hearts, or with endless guilt they can never outrun? Why then do they reject the single greatest answer to each of these deep, abiding problems: Jesus?

My point is this: I think some, perhaps even many, of those who don't embrace Jesus Christ don't fail to do so because they find the Gospel un-palatable. They do so because they never "find" the Gospel at all. They know "Christians" too well for picket lines, self-help fluff, and hypocrisy to bother asking if their "beliefs" are authentic.

And as long as hypocrisy, caricature, political ideology, and ESPECIALLY sloppy doctrine take precedence in Christendom over faithfully upholding the Gospel, we may expect to continue missing opportunities and muddying the path to salvation. Therefore, I applaud these men and women's drive to give mankind's skeptical-but-searching members a fighting chance at finding real Christianity for the first time.

That said, while I believe these men and women can do something of ETERNAL significance through this effort, I neither believe in nor support such an undertaking merely to placate POLITICAL opposition. For, such would be both to participate in futility and to cheapen the true power of Christ's message: Political opposition will never die, and the gospel is far more than a plank in a dingy political platform.

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