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November 06, 2008



Quoting you here....
In his victory speech, He cautioned, "We may not get there in one year or even one term." He is trying to buy time in the knowledge that the blue monster is fully expecting those changes-we-can-believe-in to arrive.

Well wouldn't u too seek to buy time since G Bush has America's economy such really hard work for him and his Administration to repair?

Calloused hand by Calloused hand..brick by brick etc... it's a great way to come out and say soooo ..Hey Guys We will really have to work really, really Hard to get this country back on it's footing in the world. Don't think not!
America has a whole lot of work now to do..to repair itself financially and internationally.

The whole world is Watching and it's Best that you Pray for God to help him as much along the way as he has appointed him to.

Only A fool would see his words as meaning Otherwise.. sadly blindly and Judgementally of course.
In the end..No man can curse what God has rightly Blessed.
May God bless America once again.


Apparently they haven't quite figured out punctuation in la-la-land, or how to read cross-references.


I read an article about the President-elect when he was made the head of the Harvard Law Review. That article would seem instructive.

Essentially, Barack Obama was a blank slate: he allowed his classmates to think he was with them without ever knowing so. Many of those interviewed in the article corroborate both that he never told them where he stood, but that they inferred he stood with them. His role seems to have been almost professorial.

The era in which he was enrolled at Harvard was one fraught with enormously polarized and acrimonious student dialogue. (Students would outright "boo" one another in class discussion.)

I think that is interesting in light of His political history and his posture on the stump: He's still a blank slate.

I think once he starts painting, alot more people will be disenchanted than when he hadn't yet picked up his brushes. When the canvas is blank, it's easy to just be a listener. But once you start painting, sooner or later, someone's not going to like what they see.


Couldn't agree more, except in my opinion, Obama has been more of an opportunist than a threat. He's still trying to select the colors he's going to use.


I love you, Alley. Thanks for taking the leap of faith to express yourself in a place where you probably know you'd have a minority viewpoint. I appreciate your honesty and forthrightness and I hope you stick around.

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