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April 01, 2009


Scott Adams

Like the poster you posted "If you think Government is the problem, wait until you see their solution"
The second to last line is my favorite. "Grace respects me enough to allow me to make my own choice, but gives me sufficient reason to make the right choice."
Jim, I am SO glad you are back in the Light Work saddle.
Looking forward to the book, but so glad to have you back.


This post reminds me a lot of your insight into worldly leadership principles from the book of Daniel. Is this latest governmental foray into behavior modification an example of Wow, Wampum, Win, or Whack? (I don't think I remembered the last one correctly, but it sounded about equivalent to whatever the term actually was.)

Jim Fleming

Great question, Austin! What a memory you have. By the way, the last principle was "whop," and yes, "whack" is a suitable alternative. Since few have a clue what you are talking about, I'll comment in a full post on Thursday or Friday.

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