My plane from LAX pulled up to the gate at Tokyo Narita airport. The seat belt light had just been turned off but no one was moving. We had been instructed to sit tight in our seats and complete some health forms. Then a crew of 20-30 fully suited swine-flu spotters made their way down the aisles. Several carried thermal imaging guns to take everyone's temperature. Let it be known that Japan was taking no chances with "The Swine Flu Pandemic!"
A few hours later, I was in Singapore reading the FRONT PAGE headline from The Straights Times, the major English daily from Singapore: Flue Scare For Student Who Returned From Mexico. Here's the lead material:
I am trying not to be cynical. It is especially hard now that the swine flu pandemic has turned out to be something of a non-event. But, what a commotion it caused at the time! Can you imagine the expense involved in personnel and equipment for flight screenings at Narita? And when a college kid has the sniffles, it's front page news in Singapore?
What a commentary on our values. We are spring loaded for panic when swine flu can fly, but thoroughly complacent about a greater disease that kills. Yesterday, the Shelby County Commission passed a resolution against job discrimination. Commissioner Steve Mulroy sponsored a provision that would have specifically named gays and lesbians among those protected from discrimination. This provision was dropped and a more generic version passed.
Doing what God prohibits and not doing what God requires (The Bible calls this "sin.") is detrimental to our health. When Adam and Eve sinned, they "infected" all of their progeny, including you and me, with this deadly disease. There is only one cure - the blood of the perfect donor, Jesus. But there is a catch. Not everyone who has the disease can admit it! And it makes no sense for those who do not admit they are sick to seek a cure.
At the County Commission meeting, the validation of a "lifestyle" was driving the agenda. When a lifestyle that is defined by sin is validated, there is less reason for someone to seek a remedy. Wouldn't it be great if our world cared about a cure for sin like we care about swine flu. I am under no delusions about when that day will come - when pigs can fly!
Oh how I have missed reading your blog and getting that daily glimpse into what is going on in that head of yours! Hope you come back soon!
Posted by: AMS | July 12, 2009 at 06:10 PM
Because the passenger cabin airflow is compartmentalized into several sections, risk of on-board transmission of infection is mainly restricted to individuals with either close personal contact with an infected and contagious passenger or seated within two rows of a contagious passenger. Unfortunately, we don’t always have the opportunity to select who we are going to be seated next to, so exposure is pure chance.
Posted by: Sam | July 25, 2009 at 06:08 AM
When Adam and Eve sinned, they "infected" all of their progeny, including you and me, with this deadly disease. There is only one cure - the blood of the perfect donor, Jesus.
John B. Barnhart
Posted by: Generic Viagra | September 28, 2009 at 09:14 AM
Airports are doubtlessly the critical point of this swine flu emergency.
Posted by: Quitting Hair Loss | October 15, 2009 at 10:14 AM