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June 16, 2014



Yesterday, Ezra (5) used a red pen to connect the dots of a complex dot-to-dot. When she failed to choose the correctly numbered route, the picture became obscure. She dropped the pen, marched over to me and announced, "I'm going back to my mother in Ethiopia!" I hugged her and answered, "I am your mother, Zenash is your birthmother and she loves you and wants you here. Some day we'll go back to visit, but for now we'll remember that dot-to-dots are better when done in pencil!" God is good to cover every dot-to-dot in "100% truth and 100% grace" as Jim Fleming says...yes, thousands of miles apart, covered in prayer, sons and daughters, mothers and birthmothers...children of God connected. There is no obscurity in His connected Kingdom. It is the daily lesson in our house. Thank you for this!

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