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April 20, 2015


Lisa Ruffenach

Great reminder that God will accomplish His purposes no matter the circumstances. The "elephant in the room" is not going to hinder His plans. He is our true North and who we keep our eyes on. We can trust Him. His motives will always be pure, true, and accomplish good.

Chad Hippen

God chooses all sorts of circumstances to work for our good. His plans are perfect. His timing is perfect. He will accomplish his will by any means he chooses. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.

Julie Zieglowsky

Wonderful sermon! If each of us concentrate on God's will for our lives, everything falls together in God's perfect timing. It also allows for abundant joy and shortens the journey. When we stray, the path is much longer and more painful. The end result will always be God's plan, but I hope and pray that the body & bride of Christ will be of one accord, so that the journey is joyful, productive and blessed by God.

Connie S. Bauer

It will be interesting to see what God's plans are. We just have to continue to trust and obey him and he will work things out. He is so much bigger and greater than we can imagine. He wants what is best for everyone involved. He loves each of us with an everylasting love if we know him.

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