Two weeks ago, if you had described for me what life would be like today, I wouldn’t have believed it. With covid-19 yipping at our heels, Costco is rationing toilet paper. Toilet paper! All across the land this weekend, churches reverberated as preachers “streamed” from an empty room. In two weeks, we have become fluent in the language of “social distance” that is closing stores, restaurants, and schools.
On top of all this, the pandemic has become the butterfly effect, exploding a fiction of stock values. As of this writing, the Dow has fallen from 29K to 20K in about 30 days. Just imagine (maybe you don’t have to imagine) that your portfolio has been reduced by a third while you blinked. Pain and fear are in the driver’s seat.
I can say with assurance that I have never experienced anything quite like this.
I do not know what will happen tomorrow. Which raises a great question! Before I ask it, let me affirm what I do know. I know who Father is! He is gracious, loving, and wise. I know I am His. I know that He is my safety. And I know that He is capable of using our current circumstances to work my good and that of all those who love Him – I may not know HOW He will do this, but I know that He will.
So here’s my question: What does God want to teach us during this singular season? I have come up with a couple of possibilities.
First, here is a grand opportunity for us to learn how to function as His church without churches. Let me explain: At the moment, our government leaders are directing us to meet in groups no larger than 10 people. So, God is not sitting in heaven flapping His arms in frustration and muttering, “How will my people worship under such conditions.” God is saying, “Okay, church, here’s your chance to be the church without all the frills. Break it down into what you and nine other individuals can do. Thrive as my people in groups of ten!”
Frankly, this is something we would do well to learn. In many parts of the world, the house-church is the norm. To the degree that our culture views us as a liability, we will have to learn what others know all too well. So here’s your chance! Figure out how to leverage all the wonderful resources available through your “big church” to raise up a ground-swell of churches of ten or less. As long as we are under a “social distance” mandate, seize it as the opportunity it is to flex your house-church muscles.
Second, this crisis is a window to Gospel opportunity. I am not making light of the rising tide of pain and fear that threatens to engulf us. I hurt for those who are hurting. But precisely here is our open door. All those who are in anguish around us are longing for something, someone, upon whom they can depend, someone who will promote their true good. They are tired of being misled, taken advantage of, and disappointed. There is One who does not disappoint, and we know Him! They are hurting and in pain longing to hear about One who heals. We know Him! They are in trouble and going under. There is One who rescues, and we know Him!
Seize the opportunity! Just because we are keeping our social distance, we don’t have to go dark. Use your phone, computer, and good old fashioned snail-mail to reach out to those in your circle who are hurting. Maybe you are part of a house-church of nine that has room for one more. Bring your friend!
The world may be concerned, and understandably so, about how to “get through” the current crisis. I say to my brothers and sisters in Christ, don’t just hunker in the bunker. Let’s not sigh and count the days till we can “get back to normal.” Let’s flourish as His church (in groups of ten) and as ambassadors of grace (among a people in pain).
Thank you.
Posted by: Lisa | March 16, 2020 at 10:41 PM
Thank you for your comforting word and encouragement.
God bless you as you heal from your surgery and I hope all is going well for your 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Diane O
Posted by: Diane O’Shaughnessy | March 16, 2020 at 11:30 PM
Amen. I was just working on something just before I read this, for a hurting friend. Church, if you proclaim to be the church, then show it in ways that can only give God the glory!
Posted by: Julie Zieglowsky | March 17, 2020 at 08:34 AM
Thanks for the encouragement, especially about flourishing as His church and being ambassadors of grace. You have always challenged us and this is good!
Posted by: Julie Prihoda | March 17, 2020 at 08:36 PM
Write on, Jim! Thanks for the timely exhortation. I'm struggling to be other-focused when all of my emotions are telling me to protect myself. Spirit of God, fall afresh on us today so that we may flourish as the Church.
Posted by: Steve Merry | March 21, 2020 at 06:44 AM