A Recent Sermon
A Recent Sermon
Posted on April 26, 2021 in Church Leadership, Church Outside the Box, Church Trends, Current Affairs, Faith, God, Jesus, priorities, The Good Fight | Permalink | Comments (0)
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What a year 2020 was! Everyone seems ready to “get back to normal.” So I have to ask, “Is 'normal' a truly attractive prospect?” The term can refer to what is typical or to be expected. So what can we expect in 2021 and beyond? Is it reasonable to anticipate the coming new day as an improvement?
Jesus (and the other New Testament writers) have perfect insight into what we can expect in the days ahead. Their descriptions are a bit sobering. For example, on the night in which Jesus was betrayed, He prayed for His disciples, including us! Here is one of His prayer requests for you and me: “I have given them Your word; and the world has hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world” (John 17:14). The world views Jesus folk just as they view Jesus. We are aliens, as in off-world aliens. (Remember the movie Independence Day?) We are a threat, not an asset. We are a problem to be dealt with. The Apostle John got Jesus’ point and later cautioned us to do a reality check: Do not be surprised, brethren, if the world hates you (1 John 3:13).
Jesus and John want us to understand what normal looks like for those who follow Jesus. We will be hated by the world. Do not look so shocked! As our world trends toward this normal, we who are devoted to Jesus will increasingly be considered a roadblock to “progress.”
Jesus provided an extended teaching session about what this approaching normal looks like. His description concerns the season before things ramp up at the end. In other words, Jesus is not describing the end. He is describing what we should expect life to be like before things ramp up. Jesus is describing the now.
And Jesus began to say to them, “See to it that no one misleads you. Many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am He!’ and will mislead many. When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be frightened; those things must take place; but that is not yet the end. For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be earthquakes in various places; there will also be famines. These things are merely the beginning of birth pangs. But be on your guard; for they will deliver you to the courts, and you will be flogged in the synagogues, and you will stand before governors and kings for My sake, as a testimony to them. The gospel must first be preached to all the nations. When they arrest you and hand you over, do not worry beforehand about what you are to say, but say whatever is given you in that hour; for it is not you who speak, but it is the Holy Spirit. Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and have them put to death. You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved” (Mark 13:5–13).
Wars and the threat of war, earthquakes, food shortages - these will be normal before we ever even come to the end. Daring to think or express what Jesus teaches will get you arrested, beaten, and condemned in court. You will not be safe at home, either. Fathers will turn in their children and children will turn in their parents and consign them to death. Doesn’t sound so good, does it? But this will be and even now is becoming the norm.
When Jesus talks about enduring to the end, He is not talking about physical survival. He is talking about staying true to Christ (enduring) right to the end of life. He is talking about losing your life in the name of staying true to Him.
I offer no comments on the recent election, economic developments, and the Covid crisis. These are but side-shows to a larger drama. Things are moving inexorably to “normal,” a normal in which naming the name of Jesus is costly. Persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ are already quite well acquainted with what we should expect. Get used to it - embrace it! We will be increasingly hated for our allegiance to Him.
You might object, "Yes, but I know a lot of folks who don't love Jesus but who don't hate me. Maybe Jesus and John are not talking about my normal?" Good question - stay tuned.
Posted on January 26, 2021 in Bible Answerman, Church Outside the Box, Church Trends, Disciples, Faith, Jesus, priorities, Religion, The Good Fight | Permalink | Comments (0)
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Two weeks ago, if you had described for me what life would be like today, I wouldn’t have believed it. With covid-19 yipping at our heels, Costco is rationing toilet paper. Toilet paper! All across the land this weekend, churches reverberated as preachers “streamed” from an empty room. In two weeks, we have become fluent in the language of “social distance” that is closing stores, restaurants, and schools.
On top of all this, the pandemic has become the butterfly effect, exploding a fiction of stock values. As of this writing, the Dow has fallen from 29K to 20K in about 30 days. Just imagine (maybe you don’t have to imagine) that your portfolio has been reduced by a third while you blinked. Pain and fear are in the driver’s seat.
I can say with assurance that I have never experienced anything quite like this.
I do not know what will happen tomorrow. Which raises a great question! Before I ask it, let me affirm what I do know. I know who Father is! He is gracious, loving, and wise. I know I am His. I know that He is my safety. And I know that He is capable of using our current circumstances to work my good and that of all those who love Him – I may not know HOW He will do this, but I know that He will.
So here’s my question: What does God want to teach us during this singular season? I have come up with a couple of possibilities.
First, here is a grand opportunity for us to learn how to function as His church without churches. Let me explain: At the moment, our government leaders are directing us to meet in groups no larger than 10 people. So, God is not sitting in heaven flapping His arms in frustration and muttering, “How will my people worship under such conditions.” God is saying, “Okay, church, here’s your chance to be the church without all the frills. Break it down into what you and nine other individuals can do. Thrive as my people in groups of ten!”
Frankly, this is something we would do well to learn. In many parts of the world, the house-church is the norm. To the degree that our culture views us as a liability, we will have to learn what others know all too well. So here’s your chance! Figure out how to leverage all the wonderful resources available through your “big church” to raise up a ground-swell of churches of ten or less. As long as we are under a “social distance” mandate, seize it as the opportunity it is to flex your house-church muscles.
Second, this crisis is a window to Gospel opportunity. I am not making light of the rising tide of pain and fear that threatens to engulf us. I hurt for those who are hurting. But precisely here is our open door. All those who are in anguish around us are longing for something, someone, upon whom they can depend, someone who will promote their true good. They are tired of being misled, taken advantage of, and disappointed. There is One who does not disappoint, and we know Him! They are hurting and in pain longing to hear about One who heals. We know Him! They are in trouble and going under. There is One who rescues, and we know Him!
Seize the opportunity! Just because we are keeping our social distance, we don’t have to go dark. Use your phone, computer, and good old fashioned snail-mail to reach out to those in your circle who are hurting. Maybe you are part of a house-church of nine that has room for one more. Bring your friend!
The world may be concerned, and understandably so, about how to “get through” the current crisis. I say to my brothers and sisters in Christ, don’t just hunker in the bunker. Let’s not sigh and count the days till we can “get back to normal.” Let’s flourish as His church (in groups of ten) and as ambassadors of grace (among a people in pain).
Posted on March 16, 2020 in Church Leadership, Church Trends, Current Affairs, Disciple-Makers, Economics, Evangelism, priorities | Permalink | Comments (5)
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In our scenario, relationships at Grace Church are strained. There's a new church coming to town. Some from Grace are going, some are staying. (Click here to get the whole story.) How should these two groups relate to one another? Here is a principle, the second in our series, that will help.
Principle Two: Free to Follow God
One person regards one day above another, another regards every day alike. Each person must be fully convinced in his own mind (Romans 14:5).
Moral decisions can be divided into three categories, obedience to God’s commands, upholding godly convictions, and following individual guidance. Where God has expressly and clearly told us what to do, there is no place for contrary personal “convictions.” But concerning matters which the Bible does not address directly, Paul commands us to allow each person to form his own convictions. We obey this command when we give every family permission to make their own decision about whether and when to go to another church or to stay.
There is a classic example of this principle in action in the life of Paul. It's recorded in Acts 21:7-14. Paul was en route to Jerusalem. After landing at Tyre, he made his way to the house of Philip the Evangelist. A prophet named Agabus issued a warning: He took Paul’s belt and bound his own feet and hands, and said, “This is what the Holy Spirit says: ‘In this way the Jews at Jerusalem will bind the man who owns this belt and deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles’ ” (Acts 21:11).
Naturally, everyone attempted to dissuade Paul from continuing on to Jerusalem. It seemed quite clear that God had provided a warning for exactly this purpose. Paul was in a minority of one who disagreed.
Here's how he replied: “What are you doing, weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be bound, but even to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus” (Acts 21:13). Paul discerned that the prophet's vision was not about directing him to change course but to help him prepare for the worst. Despite the bad news, he was no less determined to run into the fire.
Here's is what happened next: And since he would not be persuaded, we fell silent, remarking, “The will of the Lord be done!” (Acts 21:14). This was Paul's decision to make and he would not budge. The people accepted Paul's decision and released Paul to God's oversight.
The people of Grace Church will do well to emulate the Saints at Philip's house. Allow each person, whether he chooses to go or to stay, to make his own decision as unto the Lord.
Posted on April 21, 2015 in Church Leadership, Church Planting, Church Trends, God | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
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The next twelve posts are about how members of a church can best respond to each other when some from their membership are planning to leave to a new work. First let me outline a scenario, a realistic and relevant situation that cries out for some biblical guidance.
Grace Church hired Lance as a Youth Pastor. Eventually, he was promoted to an Associate position, and Grace Church hired Dylan as the next Youth Pastor. While working together at Grace, Lance and Dylan enjoyed partnering in ministry. But Lance sensed God calling him in a new direction and left Grace to get training as a church planter. About a year later, Dylan also resigned and announced that he and Lance were planning to team up to start a new church in town.
In their time at Grace Church, Lance and Dylan developed friendships with a number of its members. Now it was easy for some of these friends to desire to join the new work. Lance and Dylan wanted to reach people who did not seem interested in Grace Church and planned accordingly. But it would take time, six months, before their first service. So their friends would have to wait.
So it was that Grace Church found itself occupying a somewhat awkward space. Some families from Grace were definitely planning to leave. Others were unsure about whether to stay or go. A third group was convinced God wanted them to remain at Grace. But for the next six months, all three groups would continue to worship together as one family.
How should the people of Grace Church negotiate this transition period? How can this fellowship of believers demonstrate what it means to be the body of Christ when some are leaving, some are staying, and some are not sure?
Here is the first of twelve passages and principles that can help the people of Grace Church (and other churches in a similar situation) to negotiate precisely this kind of challenge. By using these principles, members who stay and members who go can stand in the place of God’s blessing.
Principle One - We Are Faith
And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified. What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things (Romans 8:28–32)?
This is our constant, our true North: God will accomplish our good, the good of our fellowship, and the good of all who love Him regardless of future events and the actions of men. We can trust God, no matter what!
Even that of which God does not approve, He uses to work the good of His people. Here is an extreme example: Joseph’s brothers intended to work him harm, but Joseph was capable of looking past their evil deeds to see God at work. “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive. So therefore, do not be afraid; I will provide for you and your little ones.” So he comforted them and spoke kindly to them (Genesis 50:20–21).
If God could work through the ill-intentions of Joseph’s brothers to accomplish Joseph’s (and his extended family’s) good, then how much more can God work through others actions that are more nobly motivated to promote what is best for us. It doesn’t matter why someone leaves Grace Church, we know that God will make that person’s decision part of His plan to work our good, the good of our church, and the good of all who love God. We know that regardless of who stays and who goes, He will give us everything that matters.
Posted on April 20, 2015 in Church Leadership, Church Planting, Church Trends, Faith, God | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
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Israel was complaining in the wilderness. Again! They accused God of bringing them to the desert to die. So God cued the snakes as if to say, “If that is what I intended, it would look like this.” The bite from these fiery serpents was fatal and Israelites were dying by the hundreds.
Thankfully, Israel repented of her sin of speaking against the Lord and pled with Moses to intercede. Here’s what happened next: Then the Lord said to Moses, “Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a standard; and it shall come about, that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, he will live.” And Moses made a bronze serpent and set it on the standard; and it came about, that if a serpent bit any man, when he looked to the bronze serpent, he lived (Numbers 21:6–9). This was God’s way of making a profound point: Left to yourselves, you will die in the wilderness. But even when in immediate and supreme danger, if you look to me for help, you will live.
The bronze serpent was a portal through which men could look to the Lord for their deliverance. And as men did so, God came through. Can you imagine what this must have been like? As word spread through the camp, everyone would have made sure he was always in a place where he could look through the portal. No matter where Israel made camp in their decades-long, wilderness journey, you can be sure they kept the “bronze-serpent-on-a-pole” prominently displayed.
Now let’s fast forward more than 800 years to a curious statement about Hezekiah, a twenty-something king of Israel with a heart for God: He removed the high places and broke down the sacred pillars and cut down the Asherah. He also broke in pieces the bronze serpent that Moses had made, for until those days the sons of Israel burned incense to it; and it was called Nehushtan (2 Kings 18:4). Apparently, Israel had kept the bronze serpent for centuries! But it had now become a religious relic named “Nehushtan,” an object of devotion that rivaled worship of the one true God. It was no longer used as a portal through which men looked to God. What was once the means of God’s blessing had now become a spiritual liability. Hezekiah was right to smash the thing.
God had originally instructed Moses to make the bronze serpent. And God had worked through it in a powerful way. Of course, it was God who was doing the working, not some mere snake on a stick. But in the days of Hezekiah, people thought the pole itself was something special. And they venerated it and not God.
Today, heated conflicts have arisen over how we do church. I wonder if we are not dealing with modern Nehushtans. There are some in the church who fondly recall days of yore in which God moved in their midst. It may have been a time marked by pews and organs; crusades and tent-meetings; street evangelism and alter calls. Praise God for the ways he has worked in the past. Others decry these antiquated means and point to the success of their mega church as testament to the ways things should be done today. To them, it is clear where “God is doing great things.” Out with the organ and in with the praise band. Down with foyers, up with coffee bars. But as often as traditionalists and moderns are insisting that church be done their particular way, are they not both in danger of overlooking what really makes the difference.
Great things are accomplished because God chooses to work, regardless of the means through which He chooses to work. When a church venerates its particular brand of means and strategies, does that church not dishonor God? Has it not erected a Nahushtan in the church narthex or welcome-center or coffer bar?
I am not diminishing the value of thinking through how best to make disciples in any given context. But I am pleading for the church to anchor these concerns to dependence on the One who alone can make the difference. Where are God’s people who know how to look to the Lord, to plead with Him for His favor despite the inadequacy of their efforts? Where are those who know how to pray this kind of prayer?
The king is not saved by a mighty army;
A warrior is not delivered by great strength.
A horse is a false hope for victory;
Nor does it deliver anyone by its great strength.
Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him,
On those who hope for His lovingkindness,
To deliver their soul from death
And to keep them alive in famine.
Our soul waits for the Lord;
He is our help and our shield.
For our heart rejoices in Him,
Because we trust in His holy name.
Let Your lovingkindness, O Lord, be upon us,
According as we have hoped in You (Psalm 33:16–22).
Posted on December 17, 2014 in Church Leadership, Church Planting, Church Trends, God, Prayer, Waiting on God | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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What does a “church consultant” do? And, why do we need them? For me, these are not purely theoretical questions. I recently completed level four of training offered by the Society for Church Consulting and only have one more project to complete before pursuing certification. If I’m gonna be one, I had best know what one does and why!
I can attest to the ubiquity of critics in the church. Everyone seems to have an ample supply of “things I don’t like,” even though the particulars on any given list might be on someone else’s list in the column for “things I really like!” If all the critics weren’t bad enough, there’s the bears. Like their stock market counterparts, church bears are predicting a looming downturn. They wax eloquent, remembering former days of glory, while wringing their hands about how current trends are sure to end badly.
So the notion of adding a third party to the mix could easily make one sound like Dorothy – “Consultants, and Critics, and Bears! Oh, my!” Why, when we already have enough home-based critics and pessimists in our church, do we need to import more from outside? Isn’t using a consultant like adding another voice to what is already a roiling cacophony?
Maybe what we really need is some fresh air! I find it in 1 Corinthians 4:3-5: But to me it is a very small thing that I may be examined by you, or by any human court; in fact, I do not even examine myself. For I am conscious of nothing against myself, yet I am not by this acquitted; but the one who examines me is the Lord. Therefore do not go on passing judgment before the time, but wait until the Lord comes who will both bring to light the things hidden in the darkness and disclose the motives of men’s hearts; and then each man’s praise will come to him from God (1 Corinthians 4:3–5). This passage attests to the active presence of critics as a constant of church life in Corinth two millennia ago. In Paul’s case, he processed the claims of his critics by affirming two fundamentals: We are only accountable to the Lord, and men’s perspectives are profoundly limited in value.
Hear, hear! Jesus is Lord of the church and the only one qualified to evaluate both individuals and churches. On some future date, Jesus will come for an on-site visit to file a full report. His evaluation will not simply focus on externals. He will put a spotlight on things hidden; He will bring to light men’s true motives; He will get to the bottom of it all. This will be the perfect value determination of what Paul and everyman have done. In this moment, the only opinion that will matter is the Lord’s.
Everyone else’s won’t! For Paul, the opinions of his Corinthian critics, or of any human court for that matter, are of minor importance. It stands to reason. The eyes of men do not see as the Lord sees, and the minds of men are as nothing before His infinite wisdom. Paul maintains that others are simply not qualified to render the final verdict on his ministry. Indeed, he himself is not adequate to do so. The Lord alone possesses the necessary skill-set to discern what truly warrants approval. He alone is qualified to critique His church and His servants!
In the course of 40 years in local church ministry, I increasingly relied on this passage as a steady compass to guide me. I identified in God’s Word His goals for my life and ministry and charted the means He commends for their attainment. This became my true north. As often as I would hear the siren voices of the critics or the murmurings of my own inner doubt, I would hold steady and remember this: In all things, I live for the good opinion of the only One whose opinion matters. When I battled discouragement, I would remember that I am not qualified to see the big picture. I would renew my efforts to live for His pleasure (my part) and respect His abilities to discern their true worth (His part). When my critics sought to convince me of my inadequacy, I strove to gain insight from their comments and learn how to better live for His pleasure (my part), while taking comfort in the knowledge that, in the final analysis, His would prove the only opinion that matters.
There are those, the serpent chief among them, who would like our minds to be led astray from the liberating simplicity of this pure devotion (2 Corinthians 11:3). His plans are thwarted when we live all-out for the Lord alone. But taken in isolation, this principle can become a pretext for a sort of mystic individualism that sniffs, “I am unassailably convinced of what God asks of me. Hold your tongue, step aside, and hallow my signal devotion to Him.” If everyone followed suit, we would achieve but a quick and easy return to the days of the judges: In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes (Judges 17:6; 21:25).
Going it alone will make the going harder. Yes, we do well to live with heart’s ablaze solely for His pleasure. But we do better when we also appreciate how others can fan our flames of passion in the right direction. The ability to accomplish what will endure is enhanced when we take advantage of the insight and perspective of others: Without consultation, plans are frustrated, But with many counselors they succeed (Proverbs 15:22). Of course, not all counsel is created equal. When a man speaks words of wisdom well suited to a situation, that’s the good stuff: Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a word spoken in right circumstances. Like an earring of gold and an ornament of fine gold is a wise reprover to a listening ear (Proverbs 25:11–12). Sometimes another will even seek our good by telling us truth that hurts. This, too, is counsel you can take to the bank: Faithful are the wounds of a friend, But deceitful are the kisses of an enemy (Proverbs 27:6).
The Bible clearly teaches what we need to know about the things that matter. So understanding what the Bible says about an issue being faced by another is where all good counsel begins. Word based discernment of how the Lord would evaluate a local church is key to helping consultants, and critics, and bears offer apples of gold in settings of silver. Oh, my!
Jesus, the supreme church consultant, would advise a particular kind of church to buy from Him gold refined by fire (Rev. 3:18). When Jesus, the critic worth heeding, has items on His “things I don’t like” list (Rev. 2:4, 14, 20), they have got to go. When Jesus gets bearish over a church’s future and issues a warning (Rev. 2:5), any church with similar issues had better pay attention. When we, His servants, aptly discern from His Word what Jesus thinks of a local church, and report what we see with grace and wisdom, we therein serve the Lord by promoting the good of His church.
A consultant or interim pastor can render valuable service to a local church by bringing them back to the Word and by helping them understand what Jesus wants them to be and do. A consultant or interim pastor can then follow up by helping a church answer these two questions: (1) To what extent do we actually demonstrate the characteristics of Jesus’ people? (2) To what extent are we actually accomplishing the mission Jesus gave us? Once these questions can be answered in a way that is confirmed by a fair-minded assessment of the pertinent facts, a consultant or interim pastor is able to help a church determine and implement a sound strategy to do better.
A consultant does well in the role of a servant. He seeks to promote in others whatever is needed for them to hear “well done.” He is like a pairs figure-skating coach whose energies are directed at helping his team members win the approval of someone else. In the final analysis, the coach is not the judge of his team. He does not score their efforts. But the better he anticipates what the judges are looking for, and uses that information to bring out the best in his charges, the more effective he is as a coach. The same goes for church consultants and interim pastors!
Allow me to return to my initial two questions and make them personal: (1) What will I do as a church consultant or interim pastor and (2) why would a church need my help? Here are my answers: (1) As a church coach, I will help a congregation to better be and do what the Lord of the church expects of His people. Ultimately, their accountability is not to me but to Him.
(2) When something matters as much as hearing the Lord say “well done,” we should seize every advantage. Any congregation that genuinely wants to do better will seek out wise counsel from a circle bigger than themselves. As often as I am invited into this circle, I will offer up whatever wisdom God gives me in order to help a people live for His pleasure. When the Lord someday says to them, “well done,” I will rejoice for them and thank God for whatever He allowed me to contribute toward their success.
Posted on October 27, 2014 in Church Leadership, Church Planting, Church Trends, L-W Resources, priorities | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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The 50% failure rate of marriage in the US is statistical bedrock. Many a pulpit has thundered with the numbers just before the latest marriage series. The art wizards at daily infographic have made a stark visual summary of the state of things. It’s depressing!
I sought relief in State of Tennessee records. In 2012, the latest year with data, there were 56,827 marriages and 27,742 divorces. Just comparing the numbers, for every 100 marriages in TN, there were 48.8 divorces. Seems to support the 50% stat. No relief here.
I pondered my own pastoral history. I have probably officiated at 30+ marriage ceremonies. Almost all of those couples are still together. Doing the math, less than 10% of marriages where I performed the ceremony have failed. That doesn’t square with the 50% statistic. (What if pastors had to make their marriage recall numbers public like the calorie labels on food? Just wondering.)
I am preparing to train a group of marriage mentors and someone mentioned a recent book by Shaunti Fieldhan, The Good News About Marriage: Debunking Discouraging Myths about Marriage and Divorce: Fieldhan thinks there are some gaping methodological holes in how the 50% statistic is determined. She concludes that the failure rate of first time marriages is between 20-25%. She also reports that among church-going couples, the number of marriages that end in divorce is closer to one in ten. Could she be right?
Posted on August 30, 2014 in Church Trends, Marriage, What's Hot | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
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Ken Berding has provided an adapted excerpt from his book Bible Revival: Recommitting Ourselves to One Book. His critique of our distracted culture and the consequent waning of biblical literacy is spot on. This article is well worth reading.
Posted on August 08, 2014 in Books, Church Trends, What's Hot | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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If you read the previous post, then I’m sure you have a burning question. If you haven’t read the previous post, by all means click here and get fired up, if you must.
Here’s what I suspect some of you want to say. “Jimbo (Why do my detractors insist on calling me “Jimbo!”), it sounds like you want us to all live under the Old Testament Law. Isn’t the Law just a tutor that leads us to Christ: “Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith” (Galatians 3:24). It was given as a mirror through which we might see our brokenness compared to the holiness of God and thereby see our need for a Savior. Honestly, attempting to live by the Law is a fool’s errand. Who could actually do that, anyway? The Law is bad mojo; grace is where it’s at. So why are you trying to put a positive spin on the Law?”
This is a fair question. Galatians 3:24 does indeed indicate that the Law serves as a tutor. Although the exact nature of this tutelage is not specified, some have represented it in a decidedly negative light. I hear preachers use this verse to declare that the Law was designed to convince us we cannot save ourselves. Once we come to Christ, then the Law has fulfilled its function. As a tutor, the Law helps someone come to the cross but therafter becomes irrelevant.
I believe the Scriptures clearly teach something quite profound and strikingly different about God’s Law, namely, that those who have been saved by grace can use God’s Law to great benefit as a guide to personal transformation. This statement warrants an extended discussion in some future series of posts. For now, let me simply throw some light on what transpired when Moses gave “The Book of the Law” to Israel and commended it to parents as a vital child-training tool.
Three Key Observations About The Law
(1) The Law was not given to Israel as a means to earn redemption - Israel was first redeemed, then given the Law. Before ever receiving the Law, Israel was freed from bondage in Egypt and shown great favor. This sequence is pointedly declared by God Himself when He gave Israel the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-2ff). True enough, the Pharisees at the time of Jesus had perverted the Law from its original purpose and were attempting to use it to earn God’s favor. But when the Law was originally given, it was given as a gift to a people who had already been profoundly and miraculously blessed by God. The Law was provided to show a redeemed people how to live out their gratitude to their redeemer.
Since the invention of the automobile, over three million people have been killed in traffic deaths in the United States. So what would you think if someone said, “Karl and Bertha Benz invented the automobile to kill people?” Sounds a little harsh to me! They invented the automobile (called a Benz Patent-Motorwagen) to make it easier to go from point “a” to point “b.” Bertha, along with her sons Eugen and Richard, took Patent-Motorwagen #3 on the first road trip in 1888 to prove precisely that point. It is true that Motorwagens, horseless carriages, automobiles, and cars have been killing people ever since. But that is a result of the misuse of their invention and does not represent its intended purpose.
Similarly, we should not confuse the purpose of the Law with what results from its misuse. It was given to Israel to help them flourish in the Promised Land. Sadly, when misused by the Pharisees, the Law did not make life better but worse. It fueled pride and self-righteousness and produced judgment and condemnation. But that was not the Law’s intended purpose. Those who claim that the Law was given to Israel just to produce condemnation sound as reasonable as those who would declare that the automobile was invented to kill.
(2) The Law translates the holiness of God into objective standards of right and wrong pertinent to the life of an Israelite at the time of Moses. The Law shows Israel how to be holy in specific ways that mirror the holiness of God. This characteristic of the Law is clearly declared by God Himself. In a representative passage, Moses introduces a discussion of several of the Ten Commandments by first quoting God: “Speak to all the congregation of the sons of Israel and say to them, ‘You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy’” (Leviticus 19:2). Moses then declares God’s follow-up commands: “‘Every one of you shall reverence his mother and his father, and you shall keep My sabbaths; I am the Lord your God. Do not turn to idols or make for yourselves molten gods; I am the Lord your God’” (Leviticus 19:3–4). The holiness of Israel’s God is the center point of the Law. Anyone who is indifferent to the Law thereby demonstrates indifference toward God’s holiness. Anyone who loves God’s holiness will love His Law.
The Law is a marvel of holiness. It translates something abstract and wholly foreign to us into something imminently practical. Holiness, through the Law, becomes something to which men can relate. It specifies actions and attitudes that align with holiness. For someone with a desire to emulate God, this is a profound gift.
Christians sing many songs about God’s holiness. But I cannot think of any that praise God’s commandments or God’s Law. Shouldn’t a love of God’s holiness draw us to praise the commandments that translate holiness into terms we can understand? The Psalmist thought so! One of the greatest praise choruses of all time, Psalm 119, exudes praise for God’s Law: “O how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day” (Psalm 119:97). He can’t stop thinking about it. And he wants God’s help to understand it and live it: “Give me understanding, that I may observe Your law And keep it with all my heart. Make me walk in the path of Your commandments, For I delight in it” (Psalm 119:34–35). Having a practical field reference for holiness, a “spotter’s guide” that assists us to discern where holiness dwells, this is a true treasure. Someone who has been saved by God’s grace should have the greatest appreciation for such a treasure, and the highest of motivation to use it as an aid to holy living. This characteristic of the Law actually heightens its value for someone who has come to Christ. It shows him how to live in a way that positively reflects the character of his God and Savior!
(3) The Law was practicable when used according to its purpose. God gave the Law to Israel expecting them to use it as a guide for living. True enough, God was not oblivious to Israel’s spiritual dullness during their season in the wilderness (Deuteronomy 29:4). Neither was He oblivious to both individual and national failures to obey the Law that would play out in Israel’s future. But the Law was not an impossible assignment: “For this commandment which I command you today is not too difficult for you, nor is it out of reach” (Deuteronomy 30:11). The parents of John the Baptist effectively used the Law as a guide for how to live: “They were both righteous in the sight of God, walking blamelessly in all the commandments and requirements of the Lord” (Luke 1:6).
This should not be construed to mean that they were sinless (impossible!) or used works of the Law to earn salvation (also impossible!). Righteousness is reckoned to all men by believing God, Zacharias and Elizabeth included. It is precisely this righteousness in the sight of God through faith that enabled them to live lives that conformed to the commandments and requirements of the Lord.
When God gave Israel the Law, He provided something profoundly relevant to those who had received God’s favor, a practical portrait of His holiness, and the assurance that they could indeed live lives that demonstrated this holiness. This doesn’t sound like something irrelevant to a believer today. It sounds to me like something for which I would have an avid interest.
God gives good gifts. The Law is one of those gifts. By their use of this gift, God’s people will receive great aid in their efforts to become like Christ. I want all the help I can get.
“As obedient children, . . . like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior” (1 Peter 1:14–15).
Want some practical suggestions about how to use the Ten Commandments as an aid to spiritual transformation in your home. Here's a great article from Mrs. Beaver! Check it out!
Posted on August 06, 2014 in Church Trends, Feedback, God, Law of God, Parenting | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
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If you have tracked with me in the previous three posts (see links below), then you never ever have to say something stupid like “God is my first priority, then my spouse, then my family, then my church, then my job...” This notion of a hierarchy of priorities is neither biblical nor practical. In fact, this 123 plan has more in common with the worship of many gods than devotion to the one true God.
When God presents Himself as the God who is one, He means for us to replace attempts to juggle multiple allegiances with the freedom of pleasing just Him. Living for God alone is also the smart play: We are trusting in the only One who is worthy of perfect trust.
Perhaps you are saying, “That’s all well and good, but you haven’t told me how to relate to my wife and children if I live for God alone.” Let’s take care of that right now! Someone might construe living for God alone as a warrant to say farewell to the world, turn his back on his spouse, children, parents, and church and head to the woods (or monastery) to pray and meditate 24/7. This would be precisely the right thing to do, IF God is expressly asking for it. But in most cases, He isn’t.
God declares in the Bible exactly what He expects of those who live for Him alone. In many cases, these directives are role and gender specific. God wants husbands to conduct themselves in ways that honor Him in their role as husbands. Same for wives, parents, children, citizens, and even servants. The Bible is loaded with guidance about how to honor God in a variety of roles.
The illustration above depicts something similar to Dagon's debacle. A wheel with “God Alone” in the center is knocking down a series of 123 priorities. This wheel illustrates how we can live for God alone as we occupy different roles. The outer circle of this wheel specifies some possible roles occupied by followers of Jesus. I have listed six, but not every role, like “Servant,” “Parent,” or “Spouse,” is relevant to everyone. Further, there are more roles beyond the representative six in this wheel, roles like “Friend,” “Neighbor,” “Employee,” and “Student.”
Think of these roles as hats. At any given moment, you are wearing at least one of these hats. Sometimes, you must switch hats in the blink of an eye. But regardless of which hat you are wearing at any particular moment, your challenge and privilege is to conduct yourself in a way that honors God alone.
This approach to priorities is thoroughly biblical and eminently practical. Here is a general verse: “Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). Paul’s principle is: “Regardless of what you are doing, even the small stuff, do it for God alone.” It doesn’t matter what hat you are wearing, conduct yourself in a way that honors God.
Here are some verses that are gender and role specific: “Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:22). When a woman operates in the role of wife, her response to her husband is the outworking of her response to the Lord. When men wear their husband hats, God expects them to love their wives the way His Son loves the church: “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her” (Ephesians 5:25).
Here is a passage that is striking for its reference to an “obligatory role,” that of a slave: “Slaves, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in the sincerity of your heart, as to Christ” (Ephesians 6:5). The Bible is not advocating or endorsing servitude, but is advocating that those who find themselves wearing this hat should conduct themselves in a way that reflects well on the one true God whom they ultimately serve. For those who are wearing a hat that they wouldn’t choose for themselves, this passage encourages them to honor God while wearing that hat.
Understanding the hat rack with God alone in the center is not a complete answer to the question of priorities, but it is the perfect place to start. This is the ultimate hat trick, in which our lives are profoundly simplified for the fact that regardless of what hat we wear, our goal is to please God alone; trust God alone; serve God alone. Husbands, love God by loving your wives. Wives, respect God by respecting your husbands. Parents, serve God by seeking His best for your children. Sons and daughters, honor God by honoring your parents. Disciples of Jesus, love God alone by obeying the commands of His Son. Citizens, make God look good by living in accord with the laws of the state.
This is not complicated: Live for God’s pleasure, no matter what hat you are wearing. Would you like a handy copy of the “God alone” chart to post on your refrigerator? Click Here. Even better, make this question the starting point for every decision about what to do next: "God, based on your Word, how can I make you look good by how I conduct myself in this situation?"
Posted on June 30, 2014 in Bible Answerman, Church Trends, Disciples, Gender Roles, God, Jesus, Law of God, priorities, Wrap-ups | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
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Every now and then we need to slay a sacred cow at light-work. Today is one of those days. Fire up the grill and bring on the bovine!
My beef is with this quote: “In conclusion, the scriptural order of priorities is God, spouse, children, parents, extended family, brothers and sisters in Christ, and then the rest of the world.” I pulled this sentence from a popular website that offers answers to questions about the Bible. The author echoes the sentiments of many. Everyone’s list might be a little different, but the notion of a hierarchy of responsibilities has become a pervasive staple of populist Christian thought. To do what matters most, we rank everything in importance and only proceed to the next priority after first addressing the one prior.
In such prioritized schemes, which I will call “123” (pronounced “1, 2, 3"), God is always listed first: He is like the first step on the walkway. But from there, the hierarchy may be arranged differently. Is family second? Church third? Job fourth? What about our responsibilities as citizens? Where do they fit? How about evangelism and missions? Is that a subset of church? And why is church listed fourth and not considered part of “God First?” Regardless of how one fusses over the details of what is ranked where, Christians everywhere assume that living by some ordering of 123 is both biblical and helpful for making decisions.
Let’s acknowledge two virtues of 123. First, it raises an important question. Because we enjoy a great deal of discretionary time, we face hundreds of daily choices about how to use our time and resources. Often, we must choose between competing claims. For a follower of Jesus Christ, a method by which to make wise decisions in this labyrinth of choices would be profoundly valuable. 123 attempts to solve this problem by introducing a series of filters intended to identify “what matters most.” Although 123 does not effectively answer the question, “what should we do,” it is on the right track for identifying the challenge.
The Apostle Paul affirms the importance of answering the question of what we should do: “Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:15–16). Paul’s point is that making the most of the time requires intentional application of wisdom principles. Unless one walks in wisdom, the natural pull of a day will be toward evil. Paul is calling us to address the very problem 123 raises.
There is a second characteristic of 123 that I can also commend. Regardless of what are ranked as priorities two, three, four, etc., in various 123 schemes, God is consistently ranked as “first.” This agrees with Scripture: “Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might” (Deuteronomy 6:4–5). Loving God alone with our whole being is indeed doing what matters most.
But on two counts, I find 123 lacking. First, I can find no biblical basis for the ranking of priorities beyond God first. Is there a passage that teaches some descending order of priority from spouses to children to parents to extended family to brothers and sisters in Christ to, finally, the world. Here is my challenge to the vast global network of light-workers. Show me the verse?
Second, I find the 123 system impractical. Take priority one, God, and priority two, spouse. If I do not proceed to stage two until I have met all my responsibilities in stage one, then when will I ever be free to do anything for my wife? When will I have fulfilled my responsibility to God and be ready to move on to tier two? The 123 system creates a conundrum: I will never do anything in areas that are lessor priorities because I can never satisfy all that is required in the top tier.
Despite mouthing allegiance to 123, we don’t operate from this philosophy anyway. We sometimes choose to seek the good of our children even when it curtails good we might do for a spouse. We elect to do good to a complete stranger even though it might crimp our plans with the kids. (Sounds like something a good Samaritan might do!) In other words, we might give lip service to 123 but are not actually and consistently using it.
123 lacks clear biblical support apart from it’s affirmation of God first. As a decision-making tool, it is hopelessly flawed and impractical. Surely, there is a better way.
Posted on June 18, 2014 in Bible Answerman, Church Trends, Hermeneutics, Law of God, What's Hot | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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We're currently doing a sermon series at CBC on the "weaker brother." He's not who you think he is! You can go here (listen to the 08/05/2012 sermon from the "48" series) to get the full message. For those of you who want to talk about the Sara scenario now, here you go. I'll be waiting for your pearls!
Sara Scenario
A woman, Sara, has opened her home from time to time to friends from church. She issues a general invitation to the members of her small group to come spend a Friday evening at her house cooking out. The event is not officially sponsored by the church; it is pure “hang out” time. Sara’s circle of friends, including nonbelievers, will likely attend. Sara uses these times to build relationships with people whom she wouldn’t ordinarily meet if she only did “church functions.” Her clear purpose is to minister to her nonbeliever friends and she has led more than a few of the people she met at these types of events to Christ.
Sara routinely drinks a beer or two whenever she cooks out, as do many of her friends. There have been a few occasions in which some of her rowdier friends have had too much to drink. When that happens, she or one of her godly friends will politely “cut-off” the rowdy and call him a cab. But, Sara has accepted a certain level of rambunctiousness from some of the people who come as the natural result of reaching out to nonbelievers.
One of the members of Sara’s small group, Tim, believes that all drinking is sinful, and plans on attending her event. However, prior to coming, he insists that Sara not drink, and demands that she enforce a “no-drinks” policy on everyone who attends her imminent get-together. There is sufficient time between when Tim makes his demand and the date of the party for Sara to comply with Tim’s demand.
What should Sara do? Is Tim’s request legitimate? Is this a case where Sara should defer to Tim who is a “weaker brother?” How would the answer to the above change if:
Posted on August 05, 2012 in Bible Answerman, Church Trends, Disciple-Makers, Evangelism | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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This was not your usual revival meeting. One man came forward to make an impressive contribution from a real estate deal. Instead of the adulation he envisioned, this man received a thundering rebuke and died on the spot. The guys with the stretcher hardly had time to get his body to the morgue before the man’s wife showed up. She betrayed her complicity in her husband’s scam and promptly joined him in death.
Needless to say, everyone in town was a little rattled! Whispers were heard on the street: “Don’t get too close to those Christian unless you want to put your life on the line.” The whispers were not without warrant. The basic problem with this late couple was an attempt to represent themselves as something they were not. They wanted to LOOK LIKE the real deal without BEING the real deal. Perhaps they actually deluded themselves into thinking they were the real deal. But, God was not fooled by this sham and made His point with double corpses as exclamation points.
Here is Luke’s summary of the reputation of the early church after the “double death revival” meeting: “But none of the rest dared to associate with them; however, the people held them in high esteem” (Acts 5:13). The average Joe of Jerusalem respected the saints and appreciated their commitment. But he also had enough sense to realize that an insincere association with these folks could prove fatal.
So here is what I find fascinating. Some would say that church growth requires us to present ourselves to the average Joe as unthreatening and undemanding. We should demurely declare, “Hey, come hang with us. We are benign enough to be safe and unintimidating. You’ll feel perfectly at ease.”Posted on March 25, 2010 in Church Planting, Church Trends, Disciple-Makers, Disciples, Evangelism | Permalink | Comments (1)
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Sea salt is all the rage. Surely you have seen some of the Campbell Soup ads that boast lower sodium levels because they now use sea salt. The claim that sea salt gives you more salty flavor from less salt sounds great - lower sodium, better taste. For a basic fact check, here's a relevant link to Dr. Gourmet.
The science behind the claims may be weak, but I am struck by a similarity to a trend in preaching. The typical "teaching time" in the American church appears to be about "improving flavor with less doctrine." We rate sermons by how interesting the speaker is, not so much by how well his/her message is connected to what the Bible teaches. We like sermons with lots of stories, relevant examples, pithy principles, humor, and transparency. How often does a sermon that get's a "10" in all of the above categories get a rotten tomato for its failure to teach what the Bible itself teaches about a topic?
I decry the view that the Bible is boring and that we must jazz it up with other stuff in order to avoid boring people with it. I profoundly disagree with the mantra, "Don't teach 'em theology or you'll put them to sleep." I am not proposing that we bore people with the Bible. God forbid! But the science behind the claim, "we avoid boring people with the Bible by using it less," is flat wrong.
A doctrine is simply a compilation of what the whole Bible teaches on a subject. I like doctrine! Here's why. First, the Bible majors in the majors. If the Bible doesn't have anything to say on a topic, then its not that important. But when the Bible has a lot to say about a subject, pay attention! Doctrine, what the Bible teaches on a subject, shows me what matters.
Second, no one verse gives the whole picture on any given topic. When I identify all the verses that relate to a topic, determine what they teach about that topic, and then compile that teaching into a logical and cohesive summary, I have really got something. This sum of what the Bible teaches on a topic will allow me to answer relevant questions with a complete information packet.
Third, the ultimate author behind the Bible is God. So I have every motivation to get it right when it comes to understanding what He wants me to know. Sure, I can take a verse and run with it. But how sure can I be that He will someday say "well done!" if I ran with one verse while neglecting twenty others? On any given topic, I want to understand everything that God says matters because HE matters.
Is something Paul said a justification for a lot of feel-good talk with a little Bible sprinkled in? "Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person"(Col 4:6). Note this: Without an understanding of grace that affects what you say, your speech won't be seasoned with salt. The doctrine of grace, the sum of what the whole Bible teaches on this core topic, is the wellspring of speech that aptly answers to opportunity. The only way to minister Bible Sea Salt is to understand doctrine. So seek doctrine, learn doctrine, preach doctrine. That's what believers do who are worth their salt!
Posted on February 25, 2010 in Bible Answerman, Church Trends, Hermeneutics | Permalink | Comments (4)
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I appreciate the overall message of the book. Evangelical, Bible teaching pastors (like me) need to listen to what the author is saying. But the book reads like a transcribed sermon series that makes seven key points, and leaves out a lot of biblical truth that could help make this book more "practice-able."
Here are two suggestions. It would have been helpful to have a chapter that discusses two lists: Observable characteristics of the Spirit’s presence / observable characteristics of His absence. This chapter could help us to self-diagnose the nature and extent of our "tragic neglect." Another chapter could build off statement six and answer these questions, “What, specifically, is my role? What should I do or think that affects the degree to which the Spirit works in and through me and my church?”
Bottom line: This is a good primer that makes a great case for a book that goes beyond it. Francis Chan is telling us things we need to know. But we need to know more if we are going to "reverse our tragic neglect of the Holy Spirit."
Posted on February 02, 2010 in Books, Church Planting, Church Trends, God | Permalink | Comments (2)
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A profound demographic shift is transforming the western world. Birth control (with great dependance on abortion) was supposed to solve the problem of global over-population. Instead, it has doomed our grand children to live in a culture increasingly dominated by Islamic influence. This video is a clear and concise summary of what is happening. How does its insight into our future affect what you do today?
Posted on August 17, 2009 in Church Trends, Current Affairs, Disciple-Makers, Evangelism, Future Things, Religion | Permalink | Comments (3)
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Each of the seven churches addressed in Revelation chapters 2-3 receives an "overcomer promise." Here's one: “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will grant to eat of the tree of life which is in the Paradise of God” (Rev 2:7).
The other six promises have a similar three part format. (1) They are each preceded by a call for careful consideration, "He who has an ear, let him hear...." (2) The condition is identified by the phrase "To him who overcomes." (3) The result for those who successfully overcome is a profound benefit, although it is variously described as "eat of the tree of life," "not be hurt by the second death," receive "hidden manna, ...a white stone, and a new name," receive "authority over the nations," be made a "pillar in the temple of My God...," and granted to "sit down with Me on my throne." All of these promises are associated with the "finish line" that is described in the last two chapters of the book, chapters 21-22.
A road-map shows what to expect and how to prepare for the journey. Revelation is just such a road-map. The drama that plays out in Revelation 4-20 describes events "before the finish." It identifies the obstacles that will cause some to fail. It points out critical route markers that will indicate when the goal is near. It provides exactly the information an aspiring overcomer could use to great advantage in his journey to the finish line.
So who is an overcomer? View one: This term is synonymous with a "true Christian?" Or, view two, this is a description of a super saint who rises above the norm? View one is preferable. The benefits offered the "overcomer" are no different from what is promised to the true follower of Jesus. If the benefit, "eat of the tree of life," for example, is only available to super saints, where does that leave the less than super saints? Not in a very good place! Conclusion: The fact that the successful overcomer is promised benefits which are extended to all genuine disciples of Jesus tells me that "overcomer" is simply another term for a "true Christian."
Holding this position does raise a sobering question. Some of the characteristics of an overcomer seem to surpass what we would consider "normal" Christianity. For example, the overcomer is one who "keeps my deeds until the end" Rev. 2:26). The overcomer is compared to Jesus who "overcame" by completing His earthly mission (Rev. 3:21), a mission that culminated in His death. In Rev 12:11, overcomers are described as those who "did not love their life even when faced with death." Overcomers don't seem to overcome death, indeed, their victory is somehow secured in death. So what, exactly, does the overcomer overcome? Rev. 15:2 answers that the overcomers' victory is "over the beast, and his image, and the number of his name." The overcomer might not beat death (although he will beat the "second death!"), but he beats the beast at his game of compelling allegiance to himself.
It is not possible to appreciate these verses without concluding that the overcomer represents the true Christian, but his true Christianity includes a surpassing devotion to the Lord. The overcomer shows us that a true believer is willing to die for his faith. His is a simple and uncompromised devotion: He loves the Lord more than life itself. He would rather die than deny his Savior.
Posted on July 30, 2009 in Bible Answerman, Church Trends, Disciples, Faith, Future Things, The Good Fight | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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"Hate Crimes Legislation" attempts to make murder more egregious when it is motivated by hate. You might get the impression that hatred always makes things worse. No so, according to the Bible. In Revelation 2:6, Jesus commends an ancient church by saying, "Yet this you do have, that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate." Jesus considers it an earmark of a healthy church when they have a holy hatred for the same thing He hates.
If hating what God hates is a good thing, it's worth asking, “Are there other things that God hates?” Twenty are specifically mentioned in the Bible: The Lord hates the sacrifice of children to false gods (Deuteronomy 12:31); sacred pillars (Deuteronomy 16:22); those who do iniquity (Psalm 5:5); the one who loves violence (Psalm 11:5); hypocritical or heartless worship (Isaiah 1:14); robbery in the burnt offering (Isaiah 61:8); idolatry (Jeremiah 44:4); those who do wickedness (Hosea 9:15); impure worship (Amos 5:21); evil schemes against others and perjury (Zechariah 8:17); divorce and wrong-doing (Malachi 2:16). In Proverbs 6:16-19, we have a complete laundry list of the Lord’s “top seven” hatreds.
There are six things which the Lord hates,
Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him:
Haughty eyes, a lying tongue,
And hands that shed innocent blood,
A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that run rapidly to evil,
A false witness who utters lies,
And one who spreads strife among brothers.
This list orbits around two poles: False worship and mistreatment of others. The Lord loves it when we love God and love our neighbors. Here’s the hard-edged flip side: He HATES it when we do otherwise. The Lord finds false worship and false dealings with others absolutely distasteful. So when we can’t stand worship that is fake and compromised, when we are disgusted by injustice and mistreatment of others, that’s when Jesus says, “I can’t stand that either – it’s nice to meet a kindred spirit.”
In these oh-so-tolerant times, it is decidedly out of fashion to break from the homogenized spirituality that has become the norm. Oh, we might get our groove on for some praise singing, maybe even give the preacher an "Amen" now and then, but heaven forbid we develop the kind of fierce passion for God that gets worked up over the things He despises. Where are the lovers of God who share His hatred for what is unholy?
Posted on July 27, 2009 in Anger, Church Trends, Current Affairs, God, The Good Fight | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
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What would church be like if the morning message was delivered by the "Serminator?" Would it be an improvement to consult a cyborg "Bible answer man" who can instantly answer all of your questions? How will "technological progress" affect "the worship service of the future?"
We have smart bombs and smart home technology. Wait till you see the new "smart idol!" Some time in the foreseeable future, a religious leader called the "false prophet" will arise who assists a powerful governmental leader called "the antichrist" or "the beast." One of the great accomplishments of the false prophet will be creation of a "smart idol," an image of the beast that is capable of breathing and speaking. The achievement will be impressive enough to promote worship of the beast.
In a previous post, we noted that the inability of idols to speak diminishes their appeal. By solving this problem, the false prophet will take worship of the antichrist to a whole new level. Here's the Apostle John's warning about what to expect:
This image appears to be a living thing, it speaks, and it kills. The Terminator series has already introduced us to the idea. The false prophet will take the idea and make it real in the world in which we now live. I do not know if this will be achieved through technology or something supernatural. But it will be utterly remarkable. Most men will be enthralled by the beast and captivated by his image. Those who see it for what it is, will discern a connection with the numbers 6-6-6, will be excluded from participation in the marketplace, and will be marked for extermination. The smart idol of the future will not be very tolerant. How politically incorrect!
Posted on April 24, 2009 in Bible Answerman, Church Trends, Current Affairs, Economics, Future Things, The Good Fight | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
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Finally, someone has discovered how to use an adding machine as we herald the "bailout of the day." Here's the scoop from Bloomberg. If you want to see the research behind the article, click here. Bloomberg did what, to my knowledge, no one else has done. They simply added up all the commitments, lines of credit, and guarantees being put forward by the Fed, FDIC, Treasury, and FHA to "solve the economic crisis." The total is $7.7 trillion and counting!
Here's an illuminating quote: "The money that’s been pledged is equivalent to $24,000 for every man, woman and child in the country. It’s nine times what the U.S. has spent so far on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to Congressional Budget Office figures. It could pay off more than half the country’s mortgages."
Oh, how my confidence soared at this inspiring gambit from Ben Bernanke: “Some have asked us to reveal the names of the banks that are borrowing, how much they are borrowing, [and] what collateral they are posting,” Bernanke said Nov. 18 to the House Financial Services Committee. “We think that’s counterproductive.” Huh? It's counter to whose productivity? Certainly not mine. We, the taxpayers, are supposed to fork over $7 trillion but without knowing to whom and for what. This sounds like the kind of scam a Somalian pirate would drool over!
By the way, the largest share of this $7.7 trillion came from the New York Fed, where Timothy Geitner is President. Yup - He's Obama's appointee to be Secretary of the Treasury. So I guess that "change we can believe in" will involve more than chump change.
I am so glad that God's economy is never strapped for cash: And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed (2 Cor. 9:8). Credit may be tight, the market in turmoil, and main street in distress. But if you know Jesus as your Savior, you have a ready supply of grace, more than enough to do good to those around you. You are flush enough with grace to lavish good deeds on others. God's got you covered. Get out there and spread the wealth!
Posted on November 25, 2008 in Church Trends, Disciples, Economics, Evangelism, Faith | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
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Current economic trends are fueling a socialist drive for greater regulation. Thanks to Despair, Inc. for capturing (at left) my sentiments about how well things will turn out as government is unleashed to "do more for us."
There is one domain where government has been in the center of things for some time, education. We are afraid of socialized health care and nationalized financial institutions. But we already have socialized education, and nine out of ten children are committed to the state for their "indoctrination."
Joel Belz has written an editorial titled Children of the State that you MUST read. Mr. Belz believes we have already yielded the high ground. By allowing education to be ordered by the state, we grant it a platform from which to shape the hearts and minds of our children. Just look at what government has done at school to get an idea of how well other socialist initiatives will play out. Government's track record in education gives us every reason to be concerned about socialist trends in other domains.
An analysis of what the Bible says about how children are to be educated will emphasize the centrality of mothers and fathers. Here is one of many passages that lays the responsibility for the education of children squarely at the feet of parents: Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Eph. 6:4). Government is missing in such mandates. But government is only too happy to expand its power by stepping into the vacuum created by parental passivity. So do your part to fill the void and join the fight against Big Government. Ask yourself this simple question: "What does Jesus think my children most need to learn and understand?" Then take the necessary steps to make sure they get it. The state isn't going to do THAT. But you can!
Posted on November 20, 2008 in Church Trends, Current Affairs, Parenting | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
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When we started Collierville Bible Church almost twenty years ago, one of our first challenges was finding an appropriate name for the new work. The church was sponsored by First Evangelical Church of Memphis and the assumption was that the new work would have the word "evangelical" in its name as a hallmark of this lineage. But we ran into a snag. We discovered that the meaning of the word "evangelical" was fuzzy. When we tested out "Collierville Evangelical Church," it left most people wondering, "So what are you?" They couldn't tell you what an "evangelical" is - but they did understand the word "Bible." We figured, "Honoring, learning, and applying the Bible is what we're about - why not make it our middle name?"
This name choice was not a departure from being evangelical, however. Here's an excerpt from the notes for the CBC New Members class:
The words in bold capture our basic summary of what it means to be evangelical. It seems fairly straight-forward. But cultural and political trends have messed with my tidy definition. The meaning of "Evangelical" has become even fuzzier than it was twenty years ago. The term has come to be bandied about, often as a slam against those who are attempting to rally Christians toward political conservatism. Evangelicals are depicted as those who coerce or impose their beliefs on others. Here's what happened at a church in Michigan last weekend - just to give you some appreciation for the problem.
In an attempt to deflect some of the criticism, a group of evangelical heavyweights has drafted An Evangelical Manifesto. Here is a very handy summary that is also available at their website. I can commend both documents but I am not sure if their strategy will prove effective. Here is the logic behind it - these are my words, not theirs:
I am glad for their efforts to jettison some baggage and clarify what we believe. And I will be delighted with whatever benefits this effort imparts to the debate in the public square. But even if we were called "those nice evangelicals," the clash between world-views will remain both real and fierce.
Posted on November 12, 2008 in Church Leadership, Church Trends, Current Affairs, Evangelism, Faith, The Good Fight | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
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Lisa Miller raises questions about the ministry of Joel and Victoria Osteen in "What's God Got to Do With It?", a "Belief Watch" piece in the Oct. 20 issue of Newsweek. Ms. Miller is struck by the irony of the Osteen's considerable popularity compared to their lack of spiritual stature. She views them as spiritual midgets with a thin theology offering platitudes of inane comfort.
On the eve of Victoria Osteen's book release, I find the question - "What's God Got to Do With it? - more than a little provocative. Victoria told Newsweek that religion "is about appreciating what God's given us. He's given us this life, and he wants us to live it to the fullest." If I boil this mantra down to it's core, it would be little more than "live it up!" Lisa Miller rightly questions how essential God is to such a message? Is what we preach a message that falls apart without God? If not, it is unworthy of Him and a dubious candidate for men's allegiance.
Here is good news that robustly depends upon God: Man has a problem (sin) that he cannot fix. God alone has provided the solution (shed blood of His Son) but one He will not force upon any man. So God invites each one to claim for himself the saving grace that is offered in Jesus. Factor God out of such an equation and man is left striving for what doesn't exist. Put God back in the picture and you have the miraculous answer to an otherwise impossible problem. God is in the center of such an accomplishment and His success is occasion for all-out praise and worship.
"Live your life to the fullest" seems like much ado about me. God is little more than a bit player in such a production - so who do you think will get the applause? Hooray for me! To Lisa Miller's question I would answer,"God is not honored by a message that is, at it's core, a celebration of me."
Posted on October 15, 2008 in Books, Church Trends, Faith, God, Jesus, Religion, What's Hot | Permalink | Comments (11) | TrackBack (0)
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Those brainy guys (and gals) on the CBC tech and web teams have done it again. Here's a screen shot of their latest creation, The CBC On-line Media Center! Click here to go to the actual site. The media center allows you to access audio files from series preached at Collierville Bible Church. You can listen to a sermon at your computer or download it to your ipod. You can also download and print associated outlines and slides. In short, you can duplicate the benefits of attending a Collierville Bible Church worship service at any time and from anywhere in the world!
There are some additional features of the Media Center that make it BETTER than Sunday morning. What if you could go to church and determine the topic for the morning sermon? Let's say you're struggling in your marriage and want the preacher to share some truth that ministers where you're hurting. Your heart longs to determine the topic for the message. Don't just wish for that power - now it's yours to use!
Here's how. The left panel is the Media Center main screen. At the top of this panel are a series of tabs labeled [Date], [Series], [Speaker], or [Topic]. Click on a tab and all series in the Media Center library are sorted accordingly. You can scroll through the list, highlight a series, and then pick the sermon (in the right panel) that you want to access. If you can't find something suitable by sorting and scrolling, there is also a search tab at the top of the main screen. Using your own keywords, you can locate exactly what you're looking for based on search terms you supply.
Currently, there are only a few sample sermons that have been loaded, so there's not a lot to search from. YET! Series in progress will be loaded on Sundays as they are preached. So, if you are following a current series, you can catch a sermon a few hours after it has been delivered. Previously preached series are also being prepped for inclusion in the Media Center. I have preached almost 900 sermons in my years at Collierville Bible church, so there are lots of possibilities to choose from. If you have a favorite, be sure to let us know and we'll fast-track it to the Media Center library. This will be fun.
Thanks Eric, Jeff, Castle, and especially Garry - this is fantastic. Your diligence is going to make a big difference!
Posted on October 03, 2008 in Church Planting, Church Trends, Disciples, Kudos, L-W Resources, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
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